Sunday, February 18, 2024

Straight Shot

This week I have really enjoyed weaving on the Schacht 10" Cricket loom. In addition to weaving outside a couple of times, it's been moving around the downstairs family room all week: by the fireplace, my desk, the couch, the Charkha chair. I love how portable it is.

Today The Man helped me carry the Gilmore Little Gem downstairs. I created a space downstairs for a new loom. I had been thinking of getting a larger loom to weave wider cloth.

After weaving on the Cricket this week I instead decided to fill the downstairs space with the Wee Gilmore. Having it downstairs will make it more convenient and accessible.



Also, it's a straight shot out the door to the front porch and garden which makes it the best reason to have the Wee Gem downstairs.