Thursday, July 25, 2024

King Harbor, Redondo Beach

More fun webcam pics. Hello Nell, smile you're on camera.




 A guest slip for the night.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Travels with Nell

The Man and Nell are cruising Southern California, instead of the usual fishing trip to the Channel Islands they turned the bow southward.

The first night was spent anchored off Paradise Cove. The pic on the left is Paradise Cove as seen from Nell, the pic on the right is Nell taken from the dinghy.


Paradise Cove


The view from Santa Monica pier by boat.

Santa Monica Pier


Nell captured on the Santa Monica webcam. So fun.



Overnight Guest Slip

Marina Del Rey

I aid the journey with logistical support.




Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 My new Kindle arrived today. 


And check out my nifty logo design.


Monday, July 22, 2024

Over Under

 As I was binding off the last row on the 10" potholder I found a mistake, a skip.



Only one thing to do: I unwove the whole thing and started again.


Weaving with a little loom, simple weaving, is the best.

Sunday, July 21, 2024


I finished reading Douglas Preston's book, "Extinction" on the Kindle yesterday.

Then the Kindle died.




I think for an e-device it had a good run - it was purchased 8/14/2015 - almost 9 years of daily use.

My replacement Kindle arrives on Tuesday, I hope it lasts as long (or longer).

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Friday, July 19, 2024

First Pic

The Man and I went to downtown SLO to the Apple Store to get a new iPhone for me. Much to my relief I didn't need to get a new phone instead they could repair my 2022 SE by installing a new rear-facing camera for $80. A bargain.

Truth be told the iPhone's camera was glitchy from the beginning but I was always able to get it working with Youtube's help. With just a few weeks left of the warranty I was ready to take the iPhone in but then the camera worked perfectly, every time. Then a couple of months ago I got the black screen after every couple of pics.

Lesson learned, next time I'll take the phone in even if it works "perfectly" while I am there. And, of course, today it took picture after picture without the dreaded black screen but their diagnostics did confirm it was a hardware problem and that the camera needed to be replaced.

The first pic with the new rear-facing camera: Summer canopy with the screened walls.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Slurping Noodles

Tried a new dish for dinner: Japanese Cold Udon Noodles with toppings: egg, tofu, grilled veggies (cast iron grill pan) and leftover pan-fried Copper Rock Cod (caught by The Man).

It was good, quick and easy. The best part is you could make it ahead of time since it's eaten cold. Thumbs up.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Cool Spell

We are expecting another triple-digit heatwave that will last into next week. Using the last moments of daylight to sit outside and take advantage of the cool evening.


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Strawberry Tomatoes

Today's CSA produce box included Heirloom tomatoes and Okui Strawberries. I don't remember receiving strawberries this late in the season before but I'm enjoying the heck out of them.




Monday, July 15, 2024

Tdf: Day 17

Today was supposed to be a "Rest Day", no spinning required, but then again yesterday was supposed to be a "Challenge Day".

So today I plied on the EEW 6.0 and added four more 2-ply (and one 3-ply) yarns to the bobbin I started yesterday for a total of eight plied yarns.



I have my bag packed and ready to go to Spinners' Group tomorrow. While there I will plan to wind off each color separately onto the 2-yard Niddy Noddy then tie the wee skein in four places. Next I will label each skein to include Base12 year - 2022 or 2023 - as well as the Envelope number. The number on the envelope corresponds to the Fiber Key which tells me the fiber content and the colorway name.


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Tour de Fleece: Day 16

Another Challenge Day today and it was supposed to be a Ply Day. 

Last week I plied eleven mini-skeins; today I plied three, sigh.

Instead of plying The Man and I worked on setting up my new Warp Tensioner Device for the 28" Ashford Knitter's Loom.




I thought I had sanded the dowels smooth but when I ran a cloth over the sticks the cloth caught on the grain. Tomorrow I will need to do a better job of sanding and smoothing the dowels otherwise my warp threads will catch and snag on the wood. Sigh.




Saturday, July 13, 2024

Home Sweet Home

The Man's 2001 Dodge Ram truck needed a little help getting home from Ventura Harbor.


The Man will install a new water pump but the old truck might need to be retired - used as a farm truck - remaining closer to home.


Friday, July 12, 2024


Last night's "successful" Falcon 9 rocket did not fare well after all.


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Under Smoky Skies

Another successful SpaceX Falcon 9 launch from VSFB this evening.

The beautiful summer sky overshadowed by smoke haze from the Lake Fire in Santa Barbara County.



Wednesday, July 10, 2024

On Hold

I am on the Library's Hold list for Book #5 of the Joe Ledger series. I finished Book #4 (Vampires) over a week ago. My cleaning has not been as exciting.


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Still Strawberries

The Okui strawberries are still going strong and they are as sweet as ever.



Monday, July 8, 2024

Tick Beach

We're going to have to stop hanging out at our favorite Coastal Beach spot. Sure, it's got a huge parking area to accommodate the Truck Camper, hardly any people, nice weather, lots of marine life: elephant seals, sea otters, pelicans, and other sea birds, but - it's got ticks.

The Man and Mattie took a walk along the Bluff trail and it turned out to be a Tick Fest.

Two days later and we're still trying to clean up. 


Sunday, July 7, 2024

Plan to Ply

TdF: Day 9, Challenge Day

So far, so good. My goals for Tour de Fleece have been doable and in fact I have spun up all of Hipstring's 2022 fiber and have started on the 2023 fiber kits.

Today I'll be plying but first I like to rewind the singles onto weaving (storage) bobbins.


 Ready to make a 2-ply yarn.


Using the EEW 6.0 e-spinner to ply. (Colorway: Goldenberry)


Often one bobbin ends before the other. Easy-peasy, I take the remaining single, make a Plying Bracelet (Andean Ply), and use up every last bit.



I plied continuously and joined colors end to end on the same bobbin.

Bottom layer, three yarns:


Middle layer, four yarns:


Top layer, four yarns:


Good progress today. Next Challenge (Ply) Day is next Sunday, July 14.