Sunday, July 19, 2015


It's raining. I know. Crazy, right?  We're seeing the remnants of Tropical Storm Dolores in the form of thunder, lightning, and rain.

Last night I was frequently awakened by brighter than bright flashes of lightning. (Oddly, The Man didn't seem to notice or more likely chose not to wake up and discuss it with me.) In the midst of a pretty good period of frequent flashes I took my point-and-shoot camera out on the front porch.

Coincidentally, yesterday I roasted a whole chicken with sides of fingerling potatoes, roasted broccoli, and TJ Cornbread stuffing. And today we'll be eating the delicious leftovers. I can't think of a more festive way to celebrate our gift of rain. It's like Christmas in July.

                 Baa Baa Humbugs