Thursday, March 20, 2014

A Force of Nature

Last year, a large oak branch broke but it's fall was blocked by the nest of gnarly branches beneath it. It was too high for The Man to trim and it hung there suspended in the air. We made sure to give it a wide berth and not stand or walk beneath it.

We have lots and lots of tall oak trees. Sometimes the mighty oaks and the power lines intersects a little too closely. As a precaution, the power company hires a local tree trimming service to monitor clearance of the utility lines. When Cristina from the tree company came out she agreed that the broken branch presented a hazard and marked the tree to be cut at a later date.

A few weeks ago after our stormy weather Cristina came by again. She mentioned to The Man how unusual it was for her to be sent out to the same area and she remembered marking the tree.

The Man said, "We were standing on the driveway looking at another tree and all of a sudden we heard a loud crash. The suspended limb and the limb holding it came crashing down. It wasn't a windy day, it was just a breeze that brought both branches down."

How inexplicably weird is that?

The fallen branches . . . 

. . . ready for the log splitter.

This may be the oldest oak tree in our neighborhood. It definitely is one of the largest. There are always broken branches littered beneath it. I would not want to spend too much time in it's shade.

Happy First Day of Spring.