Lately my fiber tool of choice has been the Hawaiian Kou suspended (drop) spindle. It spins and looks beautiful. After awhile though the combined weight of the spindle and spun singles (cop) gets heavy and uncomfortable on my wrist and hand. Then it's time to wind off.
My usual set-up is to lay the spindle in a basket and transfer the cop to a weaving/storage bobbin using a bobbin winder. Easy peasy but sometimes the spindle jumps around the bottom of the basket.
Spin Off Magazine (Fall 2024) directed me to Karen Williams' article, "Simple Spindle Kate". She says, "I use [fishing] swivels to suspend the spindles, allowing them to spin freely as the singles unwind from the cop". Hmm, I need to try that.
I asked The Man to borrow fishing swivels, even showed him the photo from the article, but he said he didn't have any at home, they were all at the boat.
Hmm, something that swivels, I think I have something that will work: plastic swivel snap hooks.
Easy peasy. It worked like a champ.