The Man's big red barn is finally finished and it's a beauty. It's been a long drawn out process of people showing up - or not showing up - since the end of June. The animals have not been too keen about being locked up and the goats were very vocal about it. (
Heeeyyy, whaaat's the biiig deal?)
My personal request for the barn was a cupola with a classic rooster weather vane. The Man sent me a text after it was installed, "Hope you like eagle windvanes." I thought he was kidding.
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While I was taking the photos of the cupola this morning I glimpsed a black and white bird overhead. My heart fluttered. Camera in hand, I ran to a clearing beyond the oak trees. It was a bald eagle.
8/20/16 11:02 am |
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8/20/16 11:02 am |
Well. Okay then. Eagle weather vane it is.