Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Heat Loss

Our weather is finally starting to return to a normal pattern: hot during the day, cool at night.  It was only 101° today but right now you can feel a nice breeze with the cooling coastal marine layer moving in for the evening. Very different weather compared to this past weekend when we were engulfed by the heat wave: 103° on Friday, 105° on Saturday, 107° on Sunday with hardly any cooling at night.

Three consecutive days of hot weather stressed the animals and on Sunday we lost one hen to the heat.  Who knew that chickens could get heat stroke?  I was worried about the remaining Girls (weird to see a chicken pant) but they were fine the following morning.

On Monday, The Man went to our local hardware store and bought a water mister to help keep the animals cool.

Bebe "Bowling Ball"

I'm going to miss Bebe.  She was a very Good Girl.