Thursday, January 30, 2025

Weaving a Mat

You can always tell when The Man is not home: Crafty stuff happens.

I started the t-shirt project yesterday and worked through the evening and into the night.

The weaving went fairly quickly even though each pick of weft yarn (aka t-shirt loop) was beat into place with a Tapestry Beater.



End of Warp, a few picks of edge border before going to bed.



Finished up today:

Edge border hemstitched, packed down, and knotted.




Size of mat off the loom ~ 14.5 x 23 inches (before wet-finishing). Not too floppy it stands up by itself.



I am very pleased with the results.



This afternoon I warped the 20" Schacht Flip again with a 72" length of warp. The first warp - a sample - was only 42" long.



 I am planning to make a second duplicate mat and have leftover warp to sample another idea.