Saturday, August 31, 2024

Saturday Read

 So fun. Book #7 in the series.


Library Audiobook

Friday, August 30, 2024

Sticky Balls

Almost finished frogging (rip it, rip it) the two deep stash scarves and turning it back into yarn.



It feels like an accomplishment.


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Morning Routine

Every morning Jack and Boots rub themselves along the Pen's fence. They turn and rub both sides, Boots also does her backside.






It must be a goaty thing; all the goats seem to have enjoyed it.

Zeke and Bitsy 9/2/2015

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Boats Galore

The Man and his boats: Nell, kayak, and skiff. The Man is in boat heaven.



Tuesday, August 27, 2024

First Time

Today's Produce Box included eggplant for the first time. I love eggplant; The Man not so much.

I customized today's box by getting only one eggplant instead of two. I think I can eat the whole thing.



Monday, August 26, 2024

Deep Stash

I bought the yarn in 2008 and 2009.

I made a couple of diagonal scarves from the printed pattern on the ball band but I also had untouched yarn in my stash. Very deep stash.




Recently I used the yarn to make Magic Balls and the knitted Charity scarves turned out beautiful.

That is why today I am painstakingly frogging the diagonal scarves and believe me when I say that mohair yarn is not a friendly yarn to unknit.




But in the end, I am sure that this special yarn will finally find it's place.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Spindle Spinner




Spindle: Hawaiian Kou wood drop spindle. (Yes, it's really Kou, not Koa wood.) Purchased from a Ravelry destash 8/2024.


Fiber: ITW June 2024 Club colorway "Decidedly So" Falkland.


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Saturday Read

 I had to wait a little bit for this one, Book 6 in the Joe Ledger series.

Library Audiobook

Friday, August 23, 2024

Sock Knitter

Today I went for a ride to Santa Maria with The Man. He needed to visit the Caterpillar Dealer to get a new Starter Motor for Nell.

It was a nice day - sunny and cool. I did not mind the wait. Not at all.


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Wednesday Read

 Third book in a 3-book series.

Kindle Unlimited e-book/audiobook


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Two Peppers

Poblano and Shishito peppers in today's Produce box.



Monday, August 19, 2024

Friday, August 16, 2024

Wind Off

I couldn't find any Lendrum Spinning Wheel bobbins, well, I mean, any that were empty.

I did find two in the "Ready to Ply" box so I wound the singles off onto two weaving "storage" bobbins and emptied the Lendrum bobbins.






Remember "Cataclysm"? Yup, I had finished spinning the fiber in February. Those are some well-rested singles.

So I went ahead and plied the two singles together.

(Note to self: Wind off to free up the EEW 6 bobbin.)


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Green Waste

The mornings are so nice and cool it seemed like a shame to be stuck indoors doing chores. I decided I would clean up the area where the The Man has been splitting logs.

But first I needed to get the Green Waste bin from the main road. The Man is so organized with his tools and equipment it was easy to find what I needed.


 I don't know how to drive the tractor but the Subaru worked just fine to get the empty bin.

We have a mountain of oak stumps after all the tree-trimming.

Only the good pieces of wood - straight, clean, ~ 12 inches - need to be kept. I stacked those and discarded the other stuff: rotten wood, small or irregular pieces, bark.



The Man will use the tractor to haul the full Green Waste bin down to the main road. He doesn't like me to help when he's throwing the split wood onto the pile but I can do the clean-up when he's not around.

It's very satisfying work.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Monday, August 12, 2024

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Looking Good

Mattie seems to be improving - more alert, more active, wagging her tail - she looks better.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Read and Listen

Utilized the duo-digital format again by reading the same book via e-book and audiobook.


Library e-book


Library audiobook

Thursday, August 8, 2024

This Old Dog

Yesterday afternoon I noticed Mattie with a wobbly walk, a stumble or two, and losing her balance when she tried to shake. I thought she overdid her physical activity and opted not to throw the ball for her in the evening. Otherwise she seemed fine.

This morning she continued to wobble and I also noticed her eyebrows twitching and her eyes flitting side to side ... nystagmus. It took some cajoling to get her down the stairs and we were both relieved when she made it down to the first floor without taking a tumble. (I immediately blocked the stairs off, she'll have to sleep downstairs.)

Dr Google referenced Old Dog Vestibular Syndrome when I searched for Mattie's symptoms.

Although The Man had just arrived in Ventura yesterday I called him before he headed out fishing - and out of cellphone range - and he started packing to return home. I wanted his help in case Mattie couldn't walk and needed to be carried. (Later he told me he misunderstood and thought we were putting Mattie down. What? No.)

Anyway, the Vet confirmed ODVS, gave Mattie a shot for nausea and meclizine tabs for home. It could take a week or longer for the symptoms to resolve though the head tilt may never go away. Her labs were within normal limits for a 14-year old elderly girl so that was good news for this old dog.