Monday, February 20, 2017

Same, Same

It was another blustery and rainy weekend. The neighborhood lost power and road access again.

The power company assigned someone to watch the area and he spent the night in his truck.

Cars were not allowed to drive under the tree leaning on the power lines but we could walk beneath it. Go figure.

A few of the neighbors were forced to park their cars and walk in. Aimee and her boys passed us on the street with a big jar of dog treats and a Bingo game, planning for an Internet-free day indoors. Leah passed us too with her son and twin daughters, she wasn't smiling.

When we got back home The Man checked on his diesel generator humming along in the barn.

This time around the electricity went off Friday morning and stayed off till Saturday evening, just about 32 hours. No matter, we had electricity, groceries, Internet, chocolate covered marshmallows, and lots of quiet knitting time for The Man's Mom and me. We didn't have to do anything or be anywhere.

Yesterday we got The Man's Mom to the airport without incident. Just in time too.

Today is another blustery and rainy day.